Your Chewed Blades Of Grass Have Built Me
part of the solo exhibition “Exozytose” at 36m² october 2022

mixed media on canvas
manufactured in 2021 to 2022
canvas, oil paint, oil pastels, emulsion paint,
chalk paint, lacquer paint, resin, construction foam,
stone plaster, sealant, embroidery, wool, cardboard, wire

A subconscious confrontation with the layers of self that get lost and partially
regained in the process of grief and loss of someone who was an essential part of the education, evolution and development of a being.

”Your Chewed Blades Of Grass Have Built Me” tells a story about a woman losing parts of her own identity and womanhood in wanting to fill the void left after the passing of a male figure that held a lot of her safety, lifeforce and security in a manmade world that never offered comparable.

An examination about dependency , hyper - independence, attachment issues , collecting of bits , connecting patterns and dots to regain independence and a raison d'être in a world built for men.

The process of “Your Chewed Blades Of Grass Have Built Me“ evoked a dust-up of the topics dependency / loss of identity and gender / adaptation / equality / constructs of attachments / transition / transformation / reflection /
interconnectedness / reparenting / parenthood
and moved into a play with opposites and oxymora like apathy and passion / connection and disconnection / degeneration and regeneration / to demolish and rebuild / love and grief / holding on and letting go / life and death / enlightenment and blindspots / resentment and forgiveness / fate and choice / uncertainty and predictability